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Level 1


This class is for children, who have never had lessons and or can not yet swim on their own. This level is about water adjustment as well as learning how to jump in, get out, and hold their breath when their face goes in the water. They will also learn how to kick and basic arm movements as well as how to float on their back,(supported).


Level 2

This level builds on the first level. These children are able to swim a short distance on their own. They will learn how to blow bubbles instead of holding their breath. They will learn how to take breaths while swimming a beginner stroke. They will learn how to jump in the deep end. They will also learn how to roll from their front to their back, and back to front as well as float on their back while kicking.

Level 3

This level helps them to overcome any fear they have of swimming in deep water as well as learning freestyle and backstroke. They will learn how to take breaths to the side while swimming freestyle. They will become more proficient in their stroke as well as learn how to tread water and dive.


Level 4

This level helps them become more proficient in their freestyle and backstroke. We will introduce breast stroke and butterfly. And they will continue working on dives and treading water.

If you have any questions about what level your child should me in, please click here to send me an email.

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